Trailers are short movie previews of upcoming movies that nowadays are experienced at advertise new releases, although trailers were originally included when they get home of a movie exhibit or film programming in the movies theatres or cinemas, hence the origin with the name. As a good promotional idea, trailers didn’t succeed until they were programmed as introduction to the movies or between movies in double feature film programs.
However, teaser trailers and featured trailers are likely to be released within the Internet also it is estimated that each year over ten billion video trailers are watched online. When it comes to movies, it is common that teaser trailers appear before a movie is finished allowing to advertise the film several months ahead on time as occurred using the teaser trailers to advertise Michael Keaton’s Batman, Disney’s the Lord with the Rings trilogy, and the new Spiderman and Star Wars films.
The story of movie trailers can be traced back to 1913 when a quick film promoting a Broadway musical called “The Pleasure Seekers” which was advertised within the Marcus Loew theater chain of the United States. Following this trailer, the first movie ever advertised was a trailer of a Charles Chaplin’s movie which was shown in Harlem Loew’s Seventh Avenue Theatre the next year.
Eventually an association called National Screen Service was dedicated to pick the key scenes of the movies that would be advertised in the trailers, adding voice narration and descriptive texts. The trailers that we all know today became to adopt shape until the 1960s
Today some trailers are even awarded by The Key Art Awards and The Golden Trailer Awards and you can enjoy funny UTube movie clips that include not only trailers but also other footage taken by users from their favorite pictures. Some video clips are also trailers of their productions and you must not forget that UTube video clip website permits you to upload your special video clips for sharing. Utube funny movies video clips are only one you can find with this place.
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