Friday, August 13, 2010

Danger Elephant

To tell you a danger elephant?No,today's story is telling you a elephant in danger.

Mae Ka Pae, an elephant 22 years old, by accident wandered into a mine ground on Thursday.

The mine field was along the Thai-Myanmar border. The area is scattered with mines from the battling going on between the Myanmar government and ethnic minority insurgents.

The elephant is the 13th elephant to be harmed by landmines and to receive treatment at the Friends of Asian Elephant hospital. The hospital is located in the north parts of Thailand close to where the accident occurred.

Mae arrived at the hospital on 8/4/2010 weekly after she received her harm.

The doctors there have cleaned out the injury and given her some shots for the pain. She will get a tetanus shot a short time today.

Her foot was seriously injured in the explosion. It tore up the sole of her left foot.

It is thought that Mae may have wandered from her caretakers in search of food.

The elephants in Thailand use to become used for transportation and sorting but due to modern methods being so much simpler, the elephants have lost some of their work.

The tourist trade is what still maintains the elephants working and the unlawful logging that still goes on.

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