Monday, September 13, 2010

Purchase Love?

There is a story,Several children from Grade One of middle school want to know what a really creative thing over the internet was, but they did not dare to propose the question.Finally a girl was persuaded and open "I would like to buy love on the internet."

The kids nowadays are far from innocence. But anyway, they live a cheerful life. Middle school students would like to purchase love over the internet, is it creative or amazing?

With the rapid development of science and technology, Internet becomes more and more prevalence. As a newborn thing springing out less than 20 years, we must strengthen our education about computer and Internet.

Although we now have achieved much growth in introducing computer classes inside the junior middle school, there’s still some distance for us go ahead in contrast to the western educational current situation.

Now, buying the goods on internet is become more and more popular. Even making friend or finding another half. What’s more, a number of ppl sell their time or seek the ONS through the internet.To your oponion,what do you think about this topic?

Copyright 2010 by Green,Loving shopping fake coach purses and the beautiful of bags and purses.

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