Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Birds

I remember I had a little bird when I was a child.I love birds and all lovely animals,such as cats,dogs and goldfish.Today,let's us learn more abou birds.

Birds build there nests all over the place from directly on the ground to the tops of trees. The Belted Kingfisher builds its nest in the bank of a river or a creek, digging it 4 ft. deep into the bank. Grebes build a floating nest on water. Understanding that birds place their nests all over the place is an important concept for protecting birds during the nesting season.

Most birds in North America lay eggs and raise chicks in the spring and summer (March-July).During this time, they need plenty of safe habitat, insects for their chicks to eat, and protection from cats, humans, other predators.

Not all birds build their own nests! Some birds put their eggs in the nests of other birds. Birds that do this are called brood parasites. This may be bad for the birds whose nest gets an extra egg because the parents have to raise an additional chick and often the additional chick finishes up competing for food with the other chicks in the nest. The Brown-headed Cowbird and some cuckoo's are brood parasites.

The largest egg laid is by the Ostrich measuring 6-8 inches long and the smallest egg laid is from the bee hummingbird, which is under inch long.

The largest bird in North America is the Trumpeter Swan, averaging about 28 pounds. Though the Whooping Crane is the tallest standing almost five feet. The Heloise's hummingbird is the smallest bird measuring 2 inches in length from bill tip to tail.

I think birds are the important roles in our environment.We must protect all kinds of birds and let them free.Never kill the lovely animals!

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