Pigs are domesticated for their meat but they grow very smart with humans.
Males are called Boars and female barrows.Pigs can live up to 15 years, they have good eyesight, sense of smell and hearing.Pigs have 44 teeth.
In Borneo,pigs are used to help regenerate fruit rain forest because their snouts are so sensitive.They can smell up to 25 feet underground,which is why they help find truffles and are used by many law enforcement teams to help sniff out drugs.Perhaps why police have been called pigs?
Pigs are easier to teach tricks to than dogs.They make great domestic pets and can fetch your paper and be potty trained.
Pigs are the 5th most intelligent animals in the world behind man,monkeys,dolphins and whales and they are able to problem solve.
Do you know something else about the wonderful pigs?Or do you have fun pigs story?Such as "Three Pigs".Just let us know!
Copyright 2010 by Green,Loving travelling and all beautiful things.Also love shopping at coach outlets stores for bags and purses.
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