The heart weighs lower than one pound. The normal weight for ladies is eight ounces and for adult men, 10 ounces.Your heartbeats with enough power to shoot blood a distance of 30 feet.
Your left lung is smaller than your right one to make room in your chest cavity for your heart.On average, a million barrels worth of blood is pumped through the heart in a lifetime.
Which heart is faster between women and men?Maybe your answer is men.But women hearts beat faster than men.
When trying to find their heart, a lot of people place their hand on their left chest. In fact, your heart is in the center of your chest between your lungs. The bottom of the heart is tipped to the left, so you feel more of your heart on your left side of your chest.
Our heart is very important,and give us the life.I think learn more about our hearts is good for yourself,and you will know how to build and maintain a heart-healthy lifestyle.
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