Writers and poets of the past have captured the beauty of the sunflower in words. Photographers and designers, amateurs or experts have not been far behind. A friend gifted me a painting of a sunflower a few days ago, it is now one of my valued property, displayed in my living room for every one to see.
The sunflower plant can grow from 3 to 18 feet tall.And a sunflower only requires 90 to 100 days to grow.A sunflower head is made up of 1,000 to 2,000 individual flowers that are joined together to a base. The big petals that are found around the border of a sunflower are individual ray flowers, these do not develop into seeds.
Sunflower seeds belong to that exceptional class of meals that are as healthy as they are delish. Because of no cholesterol content and cholesterol-fighting (phytosterols) they’re really good for the heart. Besides that, they’re rich in fiber, minerals like zinc and calcium, iron for blood and also magnesium, selenium. Oh! and they have very high ranges of Vitamins B and E. In fact, sunflower seeds are mainly a GREAT SOURCE OF VITAMIN E.
Sunflowers grow during the year. Each sunflower consists of about 1000 to 2000 seeds and it takes about serveral months for a sunflower to mature. There are three kinds of sunflower seeds – black oil, striped and white. White seeds have not found much profitable use as yet.
There are lots of fun facts about sunflowers.And I love sunflowers,they always turn their face to the sun.I think they are sunshine and positive.
Copyright 2010 by Green,Loving travelling and all beautiful things.Such as the coach wallets and Lv bags.
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